Source code for gluoncv.nn.sampler

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ, unused-argument
"""Samplers for positive/negative/ignore sample selections.
This module is used to select samples during training.
Based on different strategies, we would like to choose different number of
samples as positive, negative or ignore(don't care). The purpose is to alleviate
unbalanced training target in some circumstances.
The output of sampler is an NDArray of the same shape as the matching results.
Note: 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for ignore.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import gluon, nd

[docs]class NaiveSampler(gluon.HybridBlock): """A naive sampler that take all existing matching results. There is no ignored sample in this case. """ def __init__(self): super(NaiveSampler, self).__init__()
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): """Hybrid forward""" marker = F.ones_like(x) y = F.where(x >= 0, marker, marker * -1) return y
[docs]class OHEMSampler(gluon.Block): """A sampler implementing Online Hard-negative mining. As described in paper Parameters ---------- ratio : float Ratio of negative vs. positive samples. Values >= 1.0 is recommended. min_samples : int, default 0 Minimum samples to be selected regardless of positive samples. For example, if positive samples is 0, we sometimes still want some num_negative samples to be selected. thresh : float, default 0.5 IOU overlap threshold of selected negative samples. IOU must not exceed this threshold such that good matching anchors won't be selected as negative samples. """ def __init__(self, ratio, min_samples=0, thresh=0.5): super(OHEMSampler, self).__init__() assert ratio > 0, "OHEMSampler ratio must > 0, {} given".format(ratio) self._ratio = ratio self._min_samples = min_samples self._thresh = thresh # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def forward(self, x, logits, ious): """Forward""" F = nd num_positive = F.sum(x > -1, axis=1) num_negative = self._ratio * num_positive num_total = x.shape[1] # scalar num_negative = F.minimum(F.maximum(self._min_samples, num_negative), num_total - num_positive) positive = logits.slice_axis(axis=2, begin=1, end=None) background = logits.slice_axis(axis=2, begin=0, end=1).reshape((0, -1)) maxval = positive.max(axis=2) esum = F.exp(logits - maxval.reshape((0, 0, 1))).sum(axis=2) score = -F.log(F.exp(background - maxval) / esum) mask = F.ones_like(score) * -1 score = F.where(x < 0, score, mask) # mask out positive samples if len(ious.shape) == 3: ious = F.max(ious, axis=2) score = F.where(ious < self._thresh, score, mask) # mask out if iou is large argmaxs = F.argsort(score, axis=1, is_ascend=False) # neg number is different in each batch, using dynamic numpy operations. y = np.zeros(x.shape) y[np.where(x.asnumpy() >= 0)] = 1 # assign positive samples argmaxs = argmaxs.asnumpy() for i, num_neg in zip(range(x.shape[0]), num_negative.asnumpy().astype(np.int32)): indices = argmaxs[i, :num_neg] y[i, indices.astype(np.int32)] = -1 # assign negative samples return F.array(y, ctx=x.context)
[docs]class QuotaSampler(gluon.Block): """Sampler that handles limited quota for positive and negative samples. Parameters ---------- num_sample : int, default is 128 Number of samples for RCNN targets. pos_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.5 Proposal whose IOU larger than ``pos_iou_thresh`` is regarded as positive samples. neg_iou_thresh_high : float, default is 0.5 Proposal whose IOU smaller than ``neg_iou_thresh_high`` and larger than ``neg_iou_thresh_low`` is regarded as negative samples. Proposals with IOU in between ``pos_iou_thresh`` and ``neg_iou_thresh`` are ignored. neg_iou_thresh_low : float, default is 0.0 See ``neg_iou_thresh_high``. pos_ratio : float, default is 0.25 ``pos_ratio`` defines how many positive samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is to be sampled. neg_ratio : float or None ``neg_ratio`` defines how many negative samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is to be sampled. If ``None`` is provided, it equals to ``1 - pos_ratio``. fill_negative : bool If ``True``, negative samples will fill the gap caused by insufficient positive samples. For example, if ``num_sample`` is 100, ``pos_ratio`` and ``neg_ratio`` are both ``0.5``. Available positive sample and negative samples are 10 and 10000, which are typical values. Now, the output positive samples is 10(intact), since it's smaller than ``50(100 * 0.5)``, the negative samples will fill the rest ``40`` slots. If ``fill_negative == False``, the ``40`` slots is filled with ``-1(ignore)``. """ def __init__(self, num_sample, pos_thresh, neg_thresh_high, neg_thresh_low=-np.inf, pos_ratio=0.5, neg_ratio=None, fill_negative=True): super(QuotaSampler, self).__init__() self._fill_negative = fill_negative self._num_sample = num_sample if neg_ratio is None: self._neg_ratio = 1. - pos_ratio self._pos_ratio = pos_ratio assert (self._neg_ratio + self._pos_ratio) <= 1.0, ( "Positive and negative ratio {} exceed 1".format(self._neg_ratio + self._pos_ratio)) self._pos_thresh = min(1., max(0., pos_thresh)) self._neg_thresh_high = min(1., max(0., neg_thresh_high)) self._neg_thresh_low = neg_thresh_low
[docs] def forward(self, matches, ious): """Quota Sampler Parameters: ---------- matches : NDArray or Symbol Matching results, positive number for positive matching, -1 for not matched. ious : NDArray or Symbol IOU overlaps with shape (N, M), batching is supported. Returns: -------- NDArray or Symbol Sampling results with same shape as ``matches``. 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for ignore. """ F = mx.nd max_pos = int(round(self._pos_ratio * self._num_sample)) max_neg = int(self._neg_ratio * self._num_sample) results = [] for i in range(matches.shape[0]): # init with 0s, which are ignored result = F.zeros_like(matches[0]) # positive samples ious_max = ious.max(axis=-1)[i] result = F.where(matches[i] >= 0, F.ones_like(result), result) result = F.where(ious_max >= self._pos_thresh, F.ones_like(result), result) # negative samples with label -1 neg_mask = ious_max < self._neg_thresh_high neg_mask = neg_mask * (ious_max >= self._neg_thresh_low) result = F.where(neg_mask, F.ones_like(result) * -1, result) # re-balance if number of positive or negative exceed limits result = result.asnumpy() num_pos = int((result > 0).sum()) if num_pos > max_pos: disable_indices = np.random.choice( np.where(result > 0)[0], size=(num_pos - max_pos), replace=False) result[disable_indices] = 0 # use 0 to ignore num_neg = int((result < 0).sum()) if self._fill_negative: # if pos_sample is less than quota, we can have negative samples filling the gap max_neg = max(self._num_sample - min(num_pos, max_pos), max_neg) if num_neg > max_neg: disable_indices = np.random.choice( np.where(result < 0)[0], size=(num_neg - max_neg), replace=False) result[disable_indices] = 0 results.append(mx.nd.array(result)) return mx.nd.stack(*results, axis=0)
[docs]class QuotaSamplerOp(mx.operator.CustomOp): """Sampler that handles limited quota for positive and negative samples. This is a custom Operator used inside HybridBlock. Parameters ---------- num_sample : int, default is 128 Number of samples for RCNN targets. pos_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.5 Proposal whose IOU larger than ``pos_iou_thresh`` is regarded as positive samples. neg_iou_thresh_high : float, default is 0.5 Proposal whose IOU smaller than ``neg_iou_thresh_high`` and larger than ``neg_iou_thresh_low`` is regarded as negative samples. Proposals with IOU in between ``pos_iou_thresh`` and ``neg_iou_thresh`` are ignored. neg_iou_thresh_low : float, default is 0.0 See ``neg_iou_thresh_high``. pos_ratio : float, default is 0.25 ``pos_ratio`` defines how many positive samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is to be sampled. neg_ratio : float or None ``neg_ratio`` defines how many negative samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is to be sampled. If ``None`` is provided, it equals to ``1 - pos_ratio``. fill_negative : bool If ``True``, negative samples will fill the gap caused by insufficient positive samples. For example, if ``num_sample`` is 100, ``pos_ratio`` and ``neg_ratio`` are both ``0.5``. Available positive sample and negative samples are 10 and 10000, which are typical values. Now, the output positive samples is 10(intact), since it's smaller than ``50(100 * 0.5)``, the negative samples will fill the rest ``40`` slots. If ``fill_negative == False``, the ``40`` slots is filled with ``-1(ignore)``. """ def __init__(self, num_sample, pos_thresh, neg_thresh_high=0.5, neg_thresh_low=-np.inf, pos_ratio=0.5, neg_ratio=None, fill_negative=True): super(QuotaSamplerOp, self).__init__() self._num_sample = num_sample self._fill_negative = fill_negative if neg_ratio is None: self._neg_ratio = 1. - pos_ratio self._pos_ratio = pos_ratio assert (self._neg_ratio + self._pos_ratio) <= 1.0, ( "Positive and negative ratio {} exceed 1".format(self._neg_ratio + self._pos_ratio)) self._pos_thresh = min(1., max(0., pos_thresh)) self._neg_thresh_high = min(1., max(0., neg_thresh_high)) self._neg_thresh_low = neg_thresh_low
[docs] def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux): """Quota Sampler Parameters: ---------- in_data: array-like of Symbol [matches, ious], see below. matches : NDArray or Symbol Matching results, positive number for positive matching, -1 for not matched. ious : NDArray or Symbol IOU overlaps with shape (N, M), batching is supported. Returns: -------- NDArray or Symbol Sampling results with same shape as ``matches``. 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for ignore. """ matches = in_data[0] ious = in_data[1] F = mx.nd max_pos = int(round(self._pos_ratio * self._num_sample)) max_neg = int(self._neg_ratio * self._num_sample) for i in range(matches.shape[0]): # init with 0s, which are ignored result = F.zeros_like(matches[i]) # negative samples with label -1 ious_max = ious.max(axis=-1)[i] neg_mask = ious_max < self._neg_thresh_high neg_mask = neg_mask * (ious_max >= self._neg_thresh_low) result = F.where(neg_mask, F.ones_like(result) * -1, result) # positive samples result = F.where(matches[i] >= 0, F.ones_like(result), result) result = F.where(ious_max >= self._pos_thresh, F.ones_like(result), result) # re-balance if number of positive or negative exceed limits result = result.asnumpy() num_pos = int((result > 0).sum()) if num_pos > max_pos: disable_indices = np.random.choice( np.where(result > 0)[0], size=(num_pos - max_pos), replace=False) result[disable_indices] = 0 # use 0 to ignore num_neg = int((result < 0).sum()) if self._fill_negative: # if pos_sample is less than quota, we can have negative samples filling the gap max_neg = max(self._num_sample - min(num_pos, max_pos), max_neg) if num_neg > max_neg: disable_indices = np.random.choice( np.where(result < 0)[0], size=(num_neg - max_neg), replace=False) result[disable_indices] = 0 # use 0 to ignore self.assign(out_data[0][i], req[0], mx.nd.array(result))
[docs] def backward(self, req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux): self.assign(in_grad[0], req[0], 0) self.assign(in_grad[1], req[1], 0)
[docs]@mx.operator.register('quota_sampler') class QuotaSamplerProp(mx.operator.CustomOpProp): """Property for QuotaSampleOp. Parameters ---------- num_sample : int, default is 128 Number of samples for RCNN targets. pos_iou_thresh : float, default is 0.5 Proposal whose IOU larger than ``pos_iou_thresh`` is regarded as positive samples. neg_iou_thresh_high : float, default is 0.5 Proposal whose IOU smaller than ``neg_iou_thresh_high`` and larger than ``neg_iou_thresh_low`` is regarded as negative samples. Proposals with IOU in between ``pos_iou_thresh`` and ``neg_iou_thresh`` are ignored. neg_iou_thresh_low : float, default is 0.0 See ``neg_iou_thresh_high``. pos_ratio : float, default is 0.25 ``pos_ratio`` defines how many positive samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is to be sampled. neg_ratio : float or None ``neg_ratio`` defines how many negative samples (``pos_ratio * num_sample``) is to be sampled. If ``None`` is provided, it equals to ``1 - pos_ratio``. fill_negative : bool If ``True``, negative samples will fill the gap caused by insufficient positive samples. For example, if ``num_sample`` is 100, ``pos_ratio`` and ``neg_ratio`` are both ``0.5``. Available positive sample and negative samples are 10 and 10000, which are typical values. Now, the output positive samples is 10(intact), since it's smaller than ``50(100 * 0.5)``, the negative samples will fill the rest ``40`` slots. If ``fill_negative == False``, the ``40`` slots is filled with ``-1(ignore)``. """ def __init__(self, num_sample, pos_thresh, neg_thresh_high=0.5, neg_thresh_low=0., pos_ratio=0.5, neg_ratio=None, fill_negative=True): super(QuotaSamplerProp, self).__init__(need_top_grad=False) self.num_sample = int(num_sample) self.pos_thresh = float(pos_thresh) self.neg_thresh_high = float(neg_thresh_high) self.neg_thresh_low = float(neg_thresh_low) self.pos_ratio = float(pos_ratio) self.neg_ratio = None if neg_ratio is None else float(neg_ratio) self.fill_negative = bool(fill_negative)
[docs] def list_arguments(self): return ['matches', 'ious']
[docs] def list_outputs(self): return ['output']
[docs] def infer_shape(self, in_shape): return in_shape, [in_shape[0]], []
[docs] def infer_type(self, in_type): return [in_type[0], in_type[0]], [in_type[0]], []
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def create_operator(self, ctx, in_shapes, in_dtypes): return QuotaSamplerOp(self.num_sample, self.pos_thresh, self.neg_thresh_high, self.neg_thresh_low, self.pos_ratio, self.neg_ratio, self.fill_negative)