Source code for gluoncv.model_zoo.center_net.center_net

"""CenterNet object detector: Objects as Points,"""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import mxnet as mx
from mxnet.gluon import nn
from mxnet import autograd
from ...nn.coder import CenterNetDecoder

__all__ = ['CenterNet', 'get_center_net', 'get_base_network',
           'center_net_resnet18_v1b_voc', 'center_net_resnet18_v1b_dcnv2_voc',
           'center_net_resnet18_v1b_coco', 'center_net_resnet18_v1b_dcnv2_coco',
           'center_net_resnet50_v1b_voc', 'center_net_resnet50_v1b_dcnv2_voc',
           'center_net_resnet50_v1b_coco', 'center_net_resnet50_v1b_dcnv2_coco',
           'center_net_resnet101_v1b_voc', 'center_net_resnet101_v1b_dcnv2_voc',
           'center_net_resnet101_v1b_coco', 'center_net_resnet101_v1b_dcnv2_coco',
           'center_net_dla34_voc', 'center_net_dla34_dcnv2_voc',
           'center_net_dla34_coco', 'center_net_dla34_dcnv2_coco',
           'center_net_mobilenetv3_large_duc_voc', 'center_net_mobilenetv3_large_duc_coco',
           'center_net_mobilenetv3_small_duc_voc', 'center_net_mobilenetv3_small_duc_coco'

[docs]class CenterNet(nn.HybridBlock): """Objects as Points. Parameters ---------- base_network : mxnet.gluon.nn.HybridBlock The base feature extraction network. heads : OrderedDict OrderedDict with specifications for each head. For example: OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) classes : list of str Category names. head_conv_channel : int, default is 0 If > 0, will use an extra conv layer before each of the real heads. scale : float, default is 4.0 The downsampling ratio of the entire network. topk : int, default is 100 Number of outputs . flip_test : bool Whether apply flip test in inference (training mode not affected). nms_thresh : float, default is 0. Non-maximum suppression threshold. You can specify < 0 or > 1 to disable NMS. By default nms is disabled. nms_topk : int, default is 400 Apply NMS to top k detection results, use -1 to disable so that every Detection result is used in NMS. post_nms : int, default is 100 Only return top `post_nms` detection results, the rest is discarded. The number is based on COCO dataset which has maximum 100 objects per image. You can adjust this number if expecting more objects. You can use -1 to return all detections. """ def __init__(self, base_network, heads, classes, head_conv_channel=0, scale=4.0, topk=100, flip_test=False, nms_thresh=0, nms_topk=400, post_nms=100, **kwargs): if 'norm_layer' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('norm_layer') if 'norm_kwargs' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('norm_kwargs') super(CenterNet, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert isinstance(heads, OrderedDict), \ "Expecting heads to be a OrderedDict per head, given {}" \ .format(type(heads)) self.classes = classes self.topk = topk self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh self.nms_topk = nms_topk post_nms = min(post_nms, topk) self.post_nms = post_nms self.scale = scale self.flip_test = flip_test self._head_setups = heads self._head_conv_channel = head_conv_channel with self.name_scope(): self.base_network = base_network self.heatmap_nms = nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=1, padding=1) self.decoder = CenterNetDecoder(topk=topk, scale=scale) self.heads = nn.HybridSequential('heads') for name, values in heads.items(): head = nn.HybridSequential(name) num_output = values['num_output'] bias = values.get('bias', 0.0) weight_initializer = mx.init.Normal(0.001) if bias == 0 else mx.init.Xavier() if head_conv_channel > 0: head.add(nn.Conv2D( head_conv_channel, kernel_size=3, padding=1, use_bias=True, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer='zeros')) head.add(nn.Activation('relu')) head.add(nn.Conv2D(num_output, kernel_size=1, strides=1, padding=0, use_bias=True, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=mx.init.Constant(bias))) self.heads.add(head) @property def num_classes(self): """Return number of foreground classes. Returns ------- int Number of foreground classes """ return len(self.classes)
[docs] def set_nms(self, nms_thresh=0, nms_topk=400, post_nms=100): """Set non-maximum suppression parameters. Parameters ---------- nms_thresh : float, default is 0. Non-maximum suppression threshold. You can specify < 0 or > 1 to disable NMS. By default NMS is disabled. nms_topk : int, default is 400 Apply NMS to top k detection results, use -1 to disable so that every Detection result is used in NMS. post_nms : int, default is 100 Only return top `post_nms` detection results, the rest is discarded. The number is based on COCO dataset which has maximum 100 objects per image. You can adjust this number if expecting more objects. You can use -1 to return all detections. Returns ------- None """ self._clear_cached_op() self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh self.nms_topk = nms_topk post_nms = min(post_nms, self.nms_topk) self.post_nms = post_nms
[docs] def reset_class(self, classes, reuse_weights=None): """Reset class categories and class predictors. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str The new categories. ['apple', 'orange'] for example. reuse_weights : dict A {new_integer : old_integer} or mapping dict or {new_name : old_name} mapping dict, or a list of [name0, name1,...] if class names don't change. This allows the new predictor to reuse the previously trained weights specified. Example ------- >>> net = gluoncv.model_zoo.get_model('center_net_resnet50_v1b_voc', pretrained=True) >>> # use direct name to name mapping to reuse weights >>> net.reset_class(classes=['person'], reuse_weights={'person':'person'}) >>> # or use interger mapping, person is the 14th category in VOC >>> net.reset_class(classes=['person'], reuse_weights={0:14}) >>> # you can even mix them >>> net.reset_class(classes=['person'], reuse_weights={'person':14}) >>> # or use a list of string if class name don't change >>> net.reset_class(classes=['person'], reuse_weights=['person']) """ self._clear_cached_op() old_classes = self.classes self.classes = classes # trying to reuse weights by mapping old and new classes if isinstance(reuse_weights, (dict, list)): if isinstance(reuse_weights, dict): # trying to replace str with indices new_keys = [] new_vals = [] for k, v in reuse_weights.items(): if isinstance(v, str): try: new_vals.append(old_classes.index(v)) # raise ValueError if not found except ValueError: raise ValueError( "{} not found in old class names {}".format(v, old_classes)) else: if v < 0 or v >= len(old_classes): raise ValueError( "Index {} out of bounds for old class names".format(v)) new_vals.append(v) if isinstance(k, str): try: new_keys.append(self.classes.index(k)) # raise ValueError if not found except ValueError: raise ValueError( "{} not found in new class names {}".format(k, self.classes)) else: if k < 0 or k >= len(self.classes): raise ValueError( "Index {} out of bounds for new class names".format(k)) new_keys.append(k) reuse_weights = dict(zip(new_keys, new_vals)) else: new_map = {} for x in reuse_weights: try: new_idx = self.classes.index(x) old_idx = old_classes.index(x) new_map[new_idx] = old_idx except ValueError: warnings.warn("{} not found in old: {} or new class names: {}".format( x, old_classes, self.classes)) reuse_weights = new_map # replace class predictors with self.name_scope(): hm_head = nn.HybridSequential('heatmap') orig_head = self.heads orig_hm = self.heads[0] for i in range(len(orig_hm) - 1): hm_head.add(orig_hm[i]) num_output = len(classes) bias = self._head_setups['heatmap'].get('bias', 0.0) weight_initializer = mx.init.Normal(0.001) if bias == 0 else mx.init.Xavier() # to avoid deferred init, number of in_channels must be defined in_channels = list(orig_hm[0].params.values())[0].shape[1] hm_head.add(nn.Conv2D(num_output, kernel_size=1, strides=1, padding=0, use_bias=True, weight_initializer=weight_initializer, bias_initializer=mx.init.Constant(bias), in_channels=in_channels)) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as _: warnings.simplefilter("always") ctx = list(orig_hm[0].params.values())[0].list_ctx() hm_head.initialize(ctx=ctx) if reuse_weights: assert isinstance(reuse_weights, dict) for old_params, new_params in zip(orig_hm[2].params.values(), hm_head[2].params.values()): old_data = new_data = for k, v in reuse_weights.items(): if k > len(self.classes) or v > len(old_classes): warnings.warn("reuse mapping {}/{} -> {}/{} out of range".format( k, self.classes, v, old_classes)) continue new_data[k::len(self.classes)] = old_data[v::len(old_classes)] # set data to new conv layers new_params.set_data(new_data) old_heads = self.heads self.heads = nn.HybridSequential('heads') self.heads.add(hm_head) self.heads.add(orig_head[1]) self.heads.add(orig_head[2])
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Hybrid forward of center net""" y = self.base_network(x) out = [head(y) for head in self.heads] out[0] = F.sigmoid(out[0]) if autograd.is_training(): out[0] = F.clip(out[0], 1e-4, 1 - 1e-4) return tuple(out) if self.flip_test: y_flip = self.base_network(x.flip(axis=3)) out_flip = [head(y_flip) for head in self.heads] out_flip[0] = F.sigmoid(out_flip[0]) out[0] = (out[0] + out_flip[0].flip(axis=3)) * 0.5 out[1] = (out[1] + out_flip[1].flip(axis=3)) * 0.5 heatmap = out[0] keep = F.broadcast_equal(self.heatmap_nms(heatmap), heatmap) results = self.decoder(keep * heatmap, out[1], out[2]) return results
[docs]def get_base_network(name, **kwargs): """Get centernet base network""" if 'dla' in name: from .deconv_dla import get_deconv_dla kwargs['use_dcnv2'] = 'dcnv2' in name return get_deconv_dla(name.split('_')[0], **kwargs) elif 'resnet' in name: from .deconv_resnet import get_deconv_resnet kwargs['use_dcnv2'] = 'dcnv2' in name return get_deconv_resnet('_'.join(name.split('_')[:2]), **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(name)
[docs]def get_center_net(name, dataset, pretrained=False, ctx=mx.cpu(), root=os.path.join('~', '.mxnet', 'models'), **kwargs): """Get a center net instance. Parameters ---------- name : str or None Model name, if `None` is used, you must specify `features` to be a `HybridBlock`. dataset : str Name of dataset. This is used to identify model name because models trained on different datasets are going to be very different. pretrained : bool or str Boolean value controls whether to load the default pretrained weights for model. String value represents the hashtag for a certain version of pretrained weights. ctx : mxnet.Context Context such as mx.cpu(), mx.gpu(0). root : str Model weights storing path. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable net = CenterNet(**kwargs) if pretrained: from ..model_store import get_model_file full_name = '_'.join(('center_net', name, dataset)) net.load_parameters(get_model_file(full_name, tag=pretrained, root=root), ctx=ctx) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") net.initialize() for v in net.collect_params().values(): try: v.reset_ctx(ctx) except ValueError: pass return net
[docs]def center_net_resnet18_v1b_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet18_v1b base network on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet18_v1b_deconv from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet18_v1b_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet18_v1b', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet18_v1b_dcnv2_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet18_v1b base network with deformable v2 conv layers on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet18_v1b_deconv_dcnv2 from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet18_v1b_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet18_v1b_dcnv2', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet18_v1b_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet18_v1b base network on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet18_v1b_deconv from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet18_v1b_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet18_v1b', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet18_v1b_dcnv2_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet18_v1b base network with deformable v2 conv layer on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet18_v1b_deconv_dcnv2 from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet18_v1b_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet18_v1b_dcnv2', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet50_v1b_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet50_v1b base network on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet50_v1b_deconv from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet50_v1b_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet50_v1b', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet50_v1b_dcnv2_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet50_v1b base network with deformable conv layers on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet50_v1b_deconv_dcnv2 from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet50_v1b_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet50_v1b_dcnv2', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet50_v1b_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet50_v1b base network on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet50_v1b_deconv from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet50_v1b_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet50_v1b', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet50_v1b_dcnv2_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet50_v1b base network with deformable v2 conv layers on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet50_v1b_deconv_dcnv2 from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet50_v1b_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet50_v1b_dcnv2', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet101_v1b_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet101_v1b base network on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet101_v1b_deconv from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet101_v1b_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet101_v1b', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet101_v1b_dcnv2_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet101_v1b base network with deformable conv layers on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet101_v1b_deconv_dcnv2 from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet101_v1b_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet101_v1b_dcnv2', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet101_v1b_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet101_v1b base network on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet101_v1b_deconv from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet101_v1b_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet101_v1b', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_resnet101_v1b_dcnv2_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with resnet101_v1b base network with deformable v2 conv layers on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_resnet import resnet101_v1b_deconv_dcnv2 from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = resnet101_v1b_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('resnet101_v1b_dcnv2', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_dla34_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with dla34 base network on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_dla import dla34_deconv from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = dla34_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('dla34', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_dla34_dcnv2_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with dla34 base network with deformable conv layers on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_dla import dla34_deconv_dcnv2 from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = dla34_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('dla34_dcnv2', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_dla34_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with dla34 base network on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_dla import dla34_deconv from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = dla34_deconv(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('dla34', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_dla34_dcnv2_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with dla34 base network with deformable v2 conv layers on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .deconv_dla import dla34_deconv_dcnv2 from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = dla34_deconv_dcnv2(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('dla34_dcnv2', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_mobilenetv3_large_duc_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with mobilenetv3_large base network on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .duc_mobilenet import mobilenetv3_large_duc from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = mobilenetv3_large_duc(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('mobilenetv3_large_duc', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_mobilenetv3_small_duc_voc(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with mobilenetv3_small base network with DUC layers on voc dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .duc_mobilenet import mobilenetv3_small_duc from import VOCDetection classes = VOCDetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = mobilenetv3_small_duc(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('mobilenetv3_small_duc', 'voc', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=40, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_mobilenetv3_large_duc_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with mobilenetv3_large base network on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .duc_mobilenet import mobilenetv3_large_duc from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = mobilenetv3_large_duc(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('mobilenetv3_large_duc', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)
[docs]def center_net_mobilenetv3_small_duc_coco(pretrained=False, pretrained_base=True, **kwargs): """Center net with mobilenetv3_small base network with DUC layers on coco dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : iterable of str Names of custom foreground classes. `len(classes)` is the number of foreground classes. pretrained_base : bool or str, optional, default is True Load pretrained base network, the extra layers are randomized. Returns ------- HybridBlock A CenterNet detection network. """ from .duc_mobilenet import mobilenetv3_small_duc from import COCODetection classes = COCODetection.CLASSES pretrained_base = False if pretrained else pretrained_base base_network = mobilenetv3_small_duc(pretrained=pretrained_base, **kwargs) heads = OrderedDict([ ('heatmap', {'num_output': len(classes), 'bias': -2.19}), # use bias = -log((1 - 0.1) / 0.1) ('wh', {'num_output': 2}), ('reg', {'num_output': 2}) ]) return get_center_net('mobilenetv3_small_duc', 'coco', base_network=base_network, heads=heads, head_conv_channel=64, pretrained=pretrained, classes=classes, scale=4.0, topk=100, **kwargs)